What is Medicare?
Medicare is a government-sponsored health insurance program available to eligible individuals 65 years of age or older. Medicare is divided into four parts: Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D. Each part covers different aspects of health care.
Medicare Part A
Part A covers hospitalizations, skilled nursing facility care, home health care, and hospice care. Medicare Part A is typically free for people who have received enough work credits through their employment. However, there may be a monthly premium if you haven’t worked long enough to qualify for free Medicare Part A.
Medicare Part B
Part B covers outpatient services, preventative services, and some medical equipment and supplies. Medicare Part B also comes with a monthly premium, which you will need to pay on top of your other Medicare costs. However, there is a premium-free period for individuals receiving Social Security benefits upon turning 65.
Medicare Part C
Part C, also known as Medicare Advantage plans, covers everything that Parts A and B cover, plus additional benefits like dental and vision coverage. Private insurance companies offer Medicare Advantage plans and can include additional services like physical therapy. However, Medicare Advantage plans often have higher premiums than traditional Part A and B coverage.
Medicare Part D
Part D covers prescription drugs not covered under the other three parts of Medicare. Like Part C, you can get a Medicare Advantage plan with prescription drug coverage included. These plans also often include additional outpatient services and preventive services that traditional Part B plans do not cover.
How do I sign up for Medicare?
As you can see, many different aspects of Medicare need to be considered when choosing coverage. If you’re interested in signing up, Trinity Insurance Partners can help you understand your options and get signed up for Medicare. To qualify, you must be 65 years old or older and a citizen of the United States. If you’re already receiving Social Security benefits at age 65, you will be automatically enrolled in Parts A and B. However, if you are not yet receiving these benefits upon turning 65, it’s important to sign up for Medicare as soon as possible so that you can begin accessing the healthcare benefits available to retirees through this program.
We hope this beginner’s guide to Medicare has been helpful! As you can see, there are a lot of different factors to consider when signing up for Medicare. Although some complexities are involved with Medicare, the benefits of having this coverage can be invaluable. But don’t worry—the process is straightforward once you know what you’re doing. And once you’re enrolled, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your health care costs are covered. If you have any questions about Medicare or need help signing up for it, don’t hesitate to contact your local Trinity Insurance Partner agent today.